Darling, let me let you in on a little secret: Rosewood is truly one-of-a-kind. To ensure your absolute delight and comfort, I Have written you a guide.
Bring cash. Generous tipping during stage performances, extended conversations, and private dances shows you value the energy exchange behind the experience.
Each model is unique. Always ask the model about their personal boundaries and follow her subtle cues to discover deeper, mutual pleasure. Never touch without consent.
Dress to impress. Dressing neatly and maintaining good hygiene makes every interaction more pleasant.
Be polite. Kindness and respect goes a long way. If a model approaches you and you’re not interested, decline politely.
Lap dances occur behind the golden curtains. Our "Rose Room" offers options for added privacy and a more intimate experience. Your hostess will gladly give you a tour.
All rates for dances and services are set by Management. Avoid negotiating prices with models.
Stage performances begin around midnight. No touching of performers unless explicitly invited. Applause and gratuity in form of $20’s and $50’s are greatly appreciated. $100’s will make you a new friend.
In addition to our extensive list of spirits, we offer a variety of non-alcoholic cocktails, champagne and bottles for table service that satisfy your thirst while enhancing your mood.
Energy Exchange
Energy exchange is the energy flowing between one person to another. When the energy exchange between two people is coherent in nature the energy field is amplified further improving the connection and relationship between two people. In this spirit, guests and models agree to exchange energy in the form of $20 for every three minutes of dancing and $10 for every three minutes of extended conversation. The commencement of compensated time is agreed upon between guest and model prior to engagement of paid time. Model collects compensation after every 15-minutes. Learn more…